Meet Your Success Coach

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Connect with Your Success Coach

At St. Edward’s, 你会有一个完整的成功团队来帮助你个性化你的大学经历——课程, internships, leadership opportunities, study abroad and more ... 

... and it all starts with your success coach. 帮助你更熟悉你的成功教练, 我们让他们每个人回答几个关于他们自己的问题. See what they shared. 一定要随时联系你的教练. 你可以给他们发电子邮件或使用他们的日历链接来安排电话或会议. They’re always happy to hear from you! 

有关每个学术项目和/或人群的4166am金沙登录的详细信息, 请通过电话(512)448-8660或电子邮件与学术咨询和探索联系

Quick Guide to Success Coaches


Success CoachContact InfoAcademic School/Program
Claudia Briseno-ChavezEmail or Schedule an AppointmentThe Bill Munday School of Business
Hannah FieldsEmail or Schedule an AppointmentThe Bill Munday School of Business
Kyle MaddryEmail or Schedule an AppointmentThe Bill Munday School of Business
Joshua UrieEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Arts and Humanities 
Cassidy MooreEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Arts and Humanities 
Fernando IzaguirreEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Arts and Humanities 
Roel MartinezEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Behavioral and Social Sciences
April Buentello-SrockEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Kyle KaiserEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Michael RodgersEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Amber WeirEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Michael Kinsey
Email or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Natural Sciences  
Rebecca YeagerEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Natural Sciences  
Austin WeaverEmail or Schedule an AppointmentSchool of Natural Sciences  
Elvia RodriguezEmail or Schedule an appointmentSchool of Natural Sciences  
Gilbert ContrerasEmail or Schedule an AppointmentCAMP

Get to Know Your Success Coach

在与你的成功教练联系之前,无论是面对面的还是虚拟的, get to know a little bit more about them. They can’t wait to meet you! 找出他们分享的关于他们自己以及他们对新生的建议.



Claudia Briseno-Chavez

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 
在校园里散步,看看建筑的结构和美丽的场地. It can be quite peaceful. 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
I’ve always been terrified of deep water, but finally, at my age, 我正在克服恐惧,学习游泳. 

Contact Claudia

Email Claudia or Schedule an Appointment

Claudia Briseno-Chavez, Success Coach
For me, 作为一名成功教练,最好的部分是帮助学生驾驭他们的大学经历,并顺利过渡到圣. Edward’s a little less daunting.
Claudia Briseno-Chavez Associate Director and Success Coach

Hannah Fields

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 
I love this beautiful campus! 我最喜欢做的事情包括看松鼠在索林橡树上玩耍, trying a new seasonal coffee from Jo's, 或者在下午散步,看看奥斯汀的城市天际线. 

Insider campus tip for students: 
在校园里做兼职是建立人际关系的好方法, learn new skills, 确保你的工作环境能支持你的教育目标. Don't know where to start? 职业和专业发展是一个很好的资源! 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
I love animals! 我在一个蔬菜农场长大,有一段时间, my family had 60 chickens, 20 cats, 5 dogs, 2 goats, and a donkey. 今天我有两只自己的猫,叫凯丽和奇巧! 

Contact Hannah

Email Hannah or Schedule an Appointment

Hannah Fields, Success Coach
我喜欢支持学生实现他们自己的成功, whatever that means to them, 并确保学生们知道他们在旅途中永远不会独自行走.
Hannah Fields Success Coach

Kyle Maddry

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 
我喜欢在树荫下散步,观察校园里的野生动物. 偶尔,你可能会看到一只红肩鹰或一只灰狐狸! 

Insider campus tip for students: 
别忘了保护好校园周围的自然环境! 花点时间欣赏自然世界,密切关注环境中细微细节中的美. 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
我的大学生涯始于海洋生物学. 虽然我的职业道路把我引向了高等教育的学生事务, 我仍然对海洋和所有海洋生物怀有深深的感激之情. 

Contact Kyle

Email Kyle or Schedule an Appointment

Kyle Maddry, Success Coach
Kyle Maddry Success Coach


Joshua Urie

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 
找一个特定的地方学习,并保持神圣. Whether it’s a spot on campus, in your own home, 或者在其他地方,利用这个地方学习,只学习, 这样你就可以进入正确的头部空间,即使你接近它开始. 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
我在六个半州生活过:加州, Minnesota, Arizona, Illinois, Oregon and Texas; the half is Washington because my parents moved there while I was in college and though I’ve spent a significant amount of time there, I haven’t actually lived there. 我也在厄瓜多尔住了不到一年, but unfortunately, I was a shy kid and didn’t learn Spanish.

Contact Joshua

Email Joshua or Schedule an Appointment

Josh Urie, Success Coach
Joshua Urie Associate Director and Success Coach

Cassidy Moore

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 
在外面找个舒适的地方吃午饭, listen to a good book, or have great conversations with students. 

Insider campus tip for students: 参与校园活动可能是你做过的最好的事情! St. 爱德华大学有很多学生组织要参加,有很多活动要参加. It’s a great way to find your people. 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
I am a movie buff! M. 奈特·沙马兰、乔丹·皮尔和韦斯·安德森是我最喜欢的导演.

Contact Cassidy

Email Cassidy or Schedule an Appointment

Cassidy Moore, Success Coach
帮助学生在山顶上实现他们的目标是我工作中最好的部分! 我喜欢在学生的大学旅程中支持他们,见证他们的成就.
Cassidy Moore Success Coach

Fernando Izaguirre

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:

Insider campus tip for students: 
不要害怕走出你的舒适区. Apply for internships, join a club, make new friends, 但更重要的是,享受你在山顶上的大学生活! 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
在5年的时间里,我作为Pokemon Trading Card Game的玩家参加了本地和全国的比赛. I’m also a huge Harry Potter fan. Go Hufflepuff!

Contact Fernando

Email Fernando or Schedule an Appointment

Fernando Izaguirre, Success Coach
作为一名成功教练,我最喜欢的是什么? 倾听学生的担忧,帮助他们制定实现梦想和目标的行动计划!
Fernando Izaguirre Success Coach


Roel Martinez

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 

Contact Roel

Email Roel or Schedule an Appointment

Roel Martinez, Success Coach
Roel Martinez Associate Director and Success Coach

April Buentello-Srock

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
I got to meet Gabby Rivera, one of my favorite writers and advocates, 也是第一位为漫威漫画创作的拉美人.

Contact April

Email April or Schedule an Appointment

April Buentello-Srock, Success Coach
April Buentello-Srock Success Coach

Kyle Kaiser

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
I’m a fan of true crime podcasts.

Contact Kyle

Email Kyle or Schedule an Appointment

Kyle Kaiser, Success Coach
Kyle Kaiser Success Coach

Michael Rodgers

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 
你在校园里停车越早,停车位就越好! 此外,早上上课的好处是,它通常意味着自由的下午. 

One surprising tidbit about me: 

Contact Michael

Email Michael or Schedule an Appointment

Michael Rodgers, Success Coach
我喜欢和学生交谈, 教师和工作人员关于大学经历和个人成长.
Michael Rodgers Success Coach

Amber Weir

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 

Contact Amber

Email Amber or Schedule an Appointment

Amber Weir, Success Coach
I love being a part of the St. Edward’s community. 这里的每个人都是那么热情和支持,最终希望学生成功. 我很感激能成为学生们实现目标和梦想的旅程中的一员!
Amber Weir Success Coach


Michael Kinsey

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 

One surprising tidbit about me: 
这并不奇怪,但我曾经打过棒球,也是圣. Edward’s!

Contact Michael 

Email Michael or Schedule an Appointment

Michael Kinsey, Success Coach
我真的很喜欢和所有的学生运动员一起工作,帮助他们计划和设定他们在圣. 爱德华家和其他地方,偶尔也会在他们的比赛中为他们加油!
Michael Kinsey Associate Director and Success Coach

Rebecca Yeager

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 
一定要使用St. Edward’s has to offer to help you succeed, like office hours, the Math Lab, the Writing Center, tutoring, the Health & Counseling Center, and many others. 我们都希望看到你在大学期间充分发挥自己的潜力! 

One surprising tidbit about me: 

Contact Rebecca

 Email Rebecca or Schedule an Appointment

Rebecca Yeager, Success Coach
Rebecca Yeager Success Coach

Austin Weaver

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 
我真的觉得在校园里散步很放松, comforting, 如果我需要一些时间来减压,这也是让我头脑清醒的好方法. 

Insider campus tip for students: 积极投入是让自己走向成功的最好方式. 找一个俱乐部或社区加入可以带来美好的经历和一生的友谊. 额外的参与总能给简历增色不少, especially in a position of leadership! 

One surprising tidbit about me: 在我为Edward 's工作之前,我参与了电子竞技. 我做过职业选手、twitch主播、大学教练和职业教练.

Contact Austin

Email Austin or Schedule an Appointment

Austin Weaver, Success Coach
As a success coach, 没有什么比帮助学生成为最好的自己更让我享受的了.
Austin Weaver Success Coach

Elvia Rodriguez

Best part about being a success coach:  
为学生提供全程服务和帮助. Edward’s. 

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:  

One surprising tidbit about you: 
我在军队里待过几年,我是第一代大学毕业生.  我非常喜欢狗,每天都听播客.

Contact Elvia

Email Elvia or Schedule an appointment

St. Edward's University campus seal
Elvia Rodriguez Success Coach

Success Coach for CAMP Scholars 

Gilbert Contreras

Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: 

Insider campus tip for students: 拿条毯子坐在主楼前的山上,欣赏奥斯汀的天际线是一件有趣的事情. 

One surprising tidbit about me: 这不是秘密,但我是圣安东尼奥马刺队的死忠球迷. 我从1986年就开始看比赛了——比赛多得数不清.

Contact Gilbert

Email Gilbert or Schedule an Appointment

Gilbert Contreras,成功教练,CAMP学者
Gilbert Contreras Success Coach

Contact Us


Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.


Moody Hall 
Room 155

Get in Touch

Academic Counseling and Exploration 
(512) 448-8660