Service Break Experiences (SBE)

Ornate door

Take on Your World by Serving Your World 

服务休息体验项目为学生提供了机会, faculty, 员工通过服务世界各地的社区来实践他们的信仰. 

根植于社区建设的四大支柱, doing justice, living simply, and engaging spiritually. Pre-COVID the program boasted one Winter Break, ten domestic Alternative Spring Break, five International Immersion, and one Summer of Service experience. 随着我们进入流行期,我们的目标是接待6家小企业! 

参与者参与一个长期的准备过程,学习他们的网站的社会正义和社区问题, 在参加一到两周的沉浸式服务体验之前,在当地的非营利组织做志愿者,和他们的团队一起建立社区.

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More Information

Who can participate?

All St. 爱德华大学全日制在校生均可申请. 十二月份的毕业生可以参加十二月份的体验. 

Do I have to be Catholic to participate?

No, 但是我们会鼓励你去思考你的精神和社会行为之间的联系在沉浸前的会议和沉浸期间. 我们会邀请你参加弥撒,但也愿意参加其他传统的服务, depending on the desires of the group.

How much does it cost to participate?

这笔费用用于支付一般的食宿和交通费用. It does not include the cost of immunizations, 护照或其他物品购买的经验. All payments are non-refundable.

Fundraising is also required and supports the site; it doesn’t defray your out-of-pocket cost.

但是,我们不希望钱成为你申请时的阻碍因素. If you have a financial need, 你可以向校园事工服务假期经验基金申请资助.

  • 春假、冬服和夏服| $450
  • Disaster Relief Experience | $500

When are applications due?

Winter of Service | Nov. 5


Yes and no. 我们寻找的是对整个体验持开放态度的参与者,无论他们的位置如何. Therefore, although we cannot guarantee your first choice, 我们会根据你的申请为你匹配服务网站, interview and year in school.

What can I expect?

你将和一个由8-12人组成的小组一起工作. 爱德华大学的社区在整个学年,并在您的服务地点建立社区, do justice, live simply and engage spiritually. 具体的服务取决于您的站点位置. Flexibility is key! Rain happens. Traffic happens. Don’t be discouraged. 有时候,最好的和意想不到的事情就会发生! 简而言之,你会笑得很多,工作得很多,玩得很多,成长得很多. #SBErocks

What is the time commitment?

In addition to group meetings, fundraisers and community-building activities, 你可以期待参加开幕式, SBE Gathering, Commissioning and a Reunion. 

Will I have free time?

每个网站都有不同的时间表,但我们总是有一些空闲时间. Groups will work together on their time off. To promote community and ensure safety, 即使你有朋友或家人在附近,你也不能离开小组(他们可以来看你)!). 每一天,你都会有自己的时间去反思或者只是做自己. 将你的需求传达给团队取决于你自己.

Is it safe?

Safety is our top priority. As with any travel, there are dangers, 但我们的每个网站都经过仔细筛选,并采取措施确保您的安全. Participants are never allowed to travel alone.

Are COVID-19 vaccinations required?

大多数地点需要全面接种疫苗(完成课程). 我们在最脆弱的人群和社区中做志愿者, 社区要求我们接种疫苗. 

Can I bring my cell phone or other technology?

No. 作为简单生活支柱的一部分,我们要求你断开你的体验. 学生领袖和学生顾问将随身携带手机,以应对现场或家中的紧急情况. 

For more information, contact Liza Manjarrez.

另类春假通过直接服务为学生提供参与复杂社会和文化问题的机会, group discussion, experiential learning and individual reflection. 

In the Holy Cross tradition of service, 我们希望学生们通过这次经历得到改变, becoming agents of change in the world.

Gulf Coast Recovery 

Focus: Rebuilding efforts 

墨西哥湾沿岸遭受了一些困难时期的打击, including Hurricane Katrina, 飓风艾达和深水地平线石油泄漏. 成千上万的志愿者涌入灾区参与重建工作, but more work needs to be done. Currently, 各组织正在努力创造机会住房,以满足重建生活的重要需求. You'll visit, 当志愿者,并向当地领导重建工作的非营利组织学习.

Homelessness and Hospitality 

Focus: 直接为无家可归的人提供服务

你将与其他志愿者、圣十字教会成员和客人并肩工作,共同创造不同. 你可以在andrer House做的事情包括:

  • Assisting in the soup kitchen
  • Sorting and distributing clothing items
  • Providing laundry services
  • Lending a compassionate ear and companionship

我们知道,学年可能不是所有学生探索他们对服务的热情的理想时间. 冬季或夏季的服务机会提供了与传统SBEs不同的时间表,在一个学期内准备和旅行. So whether you're studying abroad, playing a sport, or just want to use your break in the service of others; these provide another option to serve! 

Winter of Service | ~December 16–23, 2023

Disaster Relief Experience 

Focus: Rebuilding efforts 

波多黎各岛最近遭受了大规模飓风的破坏, from Hurricane Maria to Hurricane Fiona. Working with SBP, 你将与当地人一起做志愿者,帮助居民缩短灾难和恢复之间的时间. 

Homelessness and Hospitality

Focus: 直接为无家可归的人提供服务

你将与其他志愿者、圣十字教会成员和客人并肩工作,共同创造不同. 你可以在andrer House做的事情包括:

  • Assisting in the soup kitchen
  • Sorting and distributing clothing items
  • Providing laundry services
  • Lending a compassionate ear and companionship