School of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Understand and think critically about human behavior, social institutions, world cultures and social justice.

Ornate door

Serve Your Community and the World


行为和社会科学学院(BSS)维护提供知识的项目, perspective, 以及在人类行为领域追求卓越所需的实用技能, social science, government and history.

Our graduates pursue careers based on their interests:

  • 与其他文化、政府和组织合作
  • Influencing public policy
  • Practicing environmental law and sustainability 
  • Investigating crime scenes
  • Learning more about how we got where we are
  • Solving legal issues
  • Understanding what makes people tick
  • Helping others overcome obstacles
  • Serving their community​

我们的课程将理论与实践相结合,创造出具有共鸣的高影响力课程. 我们支持通过研究、课堂活动和社区参与进行学科探索. In addition, 每个专业都包含课堂外学习的机会, such as internships and study abroad opportunities.

Our Departments



The Department of Applied Behavioral Analysis, Criminal Justice, Social Work, 社会学为有兴趣从事法律职业的学生提供了基础, law enforcement, probation and parole, court administration and corrections.


Department of Counseling

The Department of Counseling at St. 爱德华大学汇集了致力于通过提高人们的生活质量和确保社区的正义和安全来创造更美好世界的学生.

Department of History and Leadership

The Department of History and Leadership at St. 爱德华拥抱了过去的人和地方,并审视了文化的复杂相互作用, ideas and everyday life.


The 环境科学与政策系、国际事务系和政治学系 prepares students to be active citizens of the world, fully engaged in environmental, social, and political issues.

Department of Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience

圣迭戈大学心理与行为神经学系. Edward 's支持有兴趣研究大脑和行为的学生,同时培养必要的科学和批判性思维技能.


Our Programs

From Environmental Science to Psychology, 为学生提供的专业和辅修课程是为了平衡体验式学习机会而精心设计的, in-class engagement, and socioeconomic insight.


Academic Advising

行为与社会科学学院为寻求指导和资源的学生提供本科指导, 充分利用机会,为毕业就业做好准备.


Meet Our Faculty

我们的教师是创新的思想家和充满激情的教师,他们的目标是为学生提供他们在生活和职业生涯中茁壮成长所需的工具. 我们创造了一个培养创新和合作的环境.

Advance Your Career With Our Graduate Programs

从虚拟到兼职,我们的研究生课程了解平衡. 探索行为与社会科学学院提供的选择.

Master of Science in Accounting Analytics


Master of Business Administration

Students in the MBA program take courses in a flexible, low-residency structure, 这样他们就可以在反映奥斯汀商业环境的课程中平衡自己的事业和个人生活.

Master of Science in Business Analytics


Master of Science in Digital Marketing and Analytics

In a 16-month online program, 学生发展管理和应用大数据的知识, analytics, marketing automation, user interface design and mobile marketing.

A view of Equity Hall and its courtyard at dusk, 里面的红色墙壁被走廊的灯照亮了.

Stay Connected


Dean's Message

Greetings from the hilltop!

行为与社会科学学院(BSS)是一个充满活力的社区,由代表刑事司法学科的教师和学生学者组成, global studies, political science, environmental science and policy, history, psychology, behavioral neuroscience, sociology, and social work.

In our courses, research opportunities and internships, 我们支持我们的学生,拥抱包容性卓越的使命. 我们看到不同声音的价值,为公平而奋斗,并相信我们的学生可以改变世界.

通常被认为对雇主至关重要的技能,比如批判性思维, problem-solving, emotional intelligence and communication, are at the heart of the BSS learning experience. In addition, BSS students work closely with faculty, study internationally, 获得领导经验,并与未来的雇主建立联系.

我们邀请您浏览我们的网站,了解更多4166am金沙登录学生的成功, faculty research interests and accomplishments, and engaging experiential learning opportunities. 我们对你的成功投入了全部,并将与你一起发现, grow and achieve to become your best self.

Catherine Campbell
Dean, School of Behavioral and Social Sciences