Unlock Your Creativity to Transform the World
Explore communication, art, graphic design, theater arts and more.
The School of Arts and Humanities cultivates inquiry, critical thinking, and artistic expression through the teaching, learning, scholarship, creative work, initiatives, and organizations of our students and faculty. 我们提倡自由和责任,同时鼓励知识的扩展, the exploration of values, and the discovery of one's self as an active citizen in the world.
在艺术与人文学院,你将成为一个终身学习者,致力于个人成长, intellectual curiosity, and creative passion. Your work in your major will go beyond the classroom, 通过实习和现实世界的经验,为你在职业生涯中的成功做好准备.
Our Departments
艺术与人文学院包括七个学术部门,提供激发创造力的课程, challenge expectations and drive innovation.
Department of Communication
Students are equipped to thrive in a demanding and innovative field. Read more about this department, the professional and student organizations you can join, available scholarships and upcoming events.
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
学生们面临着学习多种语言和多元文化的挑战,以便他们为生活在一个全球化的世界做好准备. 了解一下这个部门,听听我们的一些校友对离开山顶后的生活的看法.
Department of Literature, Writing and Rhetoric
本系学生精通书面语言,为从事写作密集型职业做好准备. Discover more about this department, majors and minors available, student organizations you can join and upcoming events.
Department of Performing Arts
学生接受最好的培训,并拥有在创意领域脱颖而出所需的实际经验. Learn more about this department, 提供专业机会,例如演员权益协会, musical programs you can get involved with and available scholarships.
Department of Philosophy
获得可转移的生活技能,如理性分析,批判性思维和解决问题的能力. 了解更多关于这个部门的信息,以及你将如何为毕业后的成功做好准备——无论是通过工作还是继续你的教育之旅.
Department of Religious and Theological Studies
Students explore the meaning and purpose of life, as well study the history, literature, and cultures associated with global religions. Read about this department, student organizations you can join, ways you can use this exciting degree and available scholarships.
Department of Visual Studies
鼓励学生探索他们的创造力,然后通过平面设计等领域培养和完善他们的技能, video, photography, game studies and painting. See more about this department, majors and minors available, student organizations you can join and our alumni successes.
Our Programs
艺术与人文学院的课程和证书将有助于磨练你的批判性思维和创造力, develop your oral and written communication skills, and explore careers through hands-on learning.
Academic Advising
艺术与人文学院提供个性化的学术指导,帮助您选择专业,并通过出国留学增强您的山顶体验, internships, and opportunities to engage with faculty.
The School of Arts and Humanities Stories
Meet Our Faculty
我们优秀的教师挑战和激励学生批判性和创造性地思考. As a result, perspectives are broadened and personal transformations begin. We promote the interests, strengths and goals of each student.
Centers and Cultural Programs
我们的艺术和人文课程为圣何塞大学创造了充满活力、创造性和智力的氛围. Edward’s. We support a number of programs, organizations, and institutions, providing opportunities for exploration and self-discovery.
Fine Arts Gallery
The St. 爱德华大学美术画廊通过专业艺术家的展览为大学和奥斯汀社区服务, faculty, alumni, and students, 以及赞助讲座和其他与我们的访问艺术家计划相关的节目.
Mary Moody Northen Theatre (MMNT)
玛丽·穆迪·诺森剧院是该大学艺术与人文学院戏剧培训项目的中心. The theater operates on a professional model, 要求学生学习戏剧制作的各个方面,并要求他们在工作中的最高水平的承诺和工艺.
Hilltop Views
Hilltop Views is the university’s award-winning student-run newspaper. Published bi-weekly, Hilltop Views offers many opportunities for student journalists, photographers, 设计师也可以获得重要的新闻编辑室经验,为毕业后进入这个行业做准备.
Marcia Kinsey Visiting Writers Series
This series brings working writers, including award-winning novelists, poets, and playwrights, to campus to read from their work, talk about their writing and interact with students.
Contact the Dean’s Office
Students can contact the Dean's Office at (512) 448-8620 for help with:
- Registration
- Course schedules
- Help with registration in myHilltop
- Honors equivalencies
- Registration schedule
Dean’s Message
Dear Future Arts and Humanities Students:
Embrace the opportunities and challenges ... Hop on a plane in Texas, and be in Spain in seven hours. Skype your friends in Brazil. 通过视频会议教室与韩国和南非的学生分享想法. Champion a global human rights movement on Facebook. 随着每一次心跳,每一次敲击键盘,我们的世界变得更加互联互通.
At St. Edward’s University, 我们为您做好准备,让您跟上这种多产的变化,拥抱它带来的机遇和挑战. In the School of Arts and Humanities, 它首先赋予你建立在熟练写作基础上的知识, literature, language, philosophy, religious studies and the arts. 这些探索激发了想象力,培养了批判性思考的能力, 从不同的角度研究主题,并通过写作表达发现和见解, speaking and creative endeavors.
All the while, you'll refine your ideas and voice. Students present and display their work at exhibits and symposia. 他们出版了两本获奖的校园期刊《4166金沙手机版官网》和《4166am金沙登录》. Students produce and perform classics and original scripts on stage. 学生们在激情与文明的辩论中审视论点和伦理,并与著名小说家互动, poets and playwrights in our Visiting Writers Series. Whatever your artistic or scholarly pursuit, you’ll hone and share them through your projects and research.
在艺术和人文学院获得的知识和技能跨越学科,远远超出了我们的奥斯汀, Texas, campus. Our students, for example, immerse themselves in international languages, 通过我们在法国的合作大学学习文化和商业, Argentina, Japan and other countries. They explore photography in China and event management in Scotland. They participate in service projects in India, Uganda and Canada.
在这样的机会中-基于当地和全球现实-我们的学生以新的方式看待世界和人民, with understanding and respect. Throughout your educational journey, you'll cultivate qualities such as self-awareness, intentionality, flexibility, empathy and intellectual curiosity.
Above all, you’ll discover your passions, strengths and purpose, 准备你茁壮成长,并在我们瞬息万变的世界有所作为.
Sharon Diane Nell, PhD
Dean, School of Arts and Humanities